This site is meant to connect Inland Empire (Southern California) residents supporting Bernie Sanders for President of the United States in 2016 ( ) with local Bernie groups, members, and news.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Why Bernie?
Intro: "Hi, I'm (Name of interviewer) with the Inland Empire For Bernie Sanders blog. We are here with a segment of our 'Why Bernie?' interviews in the Inland Empire."
1. Name, Rank, & Bernie Number: Who are you, and what are you doing to help Bernie get elected?
2. How did you find out about Bernie?
3. What are the top three things you like about Bernie's policies?
4. Has Bernie changed how you feel about US elections?
Interviewer: Thank you, (Name of interviewee) and please visit us at WhyBernie.US (Forwards right to this post)
Post the results to Youtube, share on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.
I think this could become a very powerful tool for the campaign if it gets done all over the country.
To promote this idea, use www.WhyBernie.US .
Dan Stafford
Monday, November 16, 2015
Peace, Love, And Bernie: Writing Paris...
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Fwd: [So Cal!] Join Bernie Staff in Southern California
From: "Zack Exley, Bernie 2016" <>
Date: Nov 12, 2015 9:55 AM
Subject: [So Cal!] Join Bernie Staff in Southern California
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>
Dear Daniel,
Bernie is giving us a real shot at taking our country back from the billionaire class. Now the only question is: will we, Bernie's millions of supporters, actually do the work that wins presidential campaigns? Californians have played an increadible role in past campaigns contacting voters in the early primary states that we must win for Bernie to have a chance. We believe you're ready to surpass what past presidential campaigns have only dreamed might be possible.
Come get started with national campaign staff in person in Beverly Hills, Santa Ana, North Hollywood, Inland Empire, and San Diego. (Details below and more cities to come!)
We'll also talk about how to keep your amazing local organizing moving, so that we never stop bringing new people into this movement.
Click the city nearest you below to RSVP:
BEVERLY HILLS » Saturday, November 14th - 10:00 a.m. - noon
Ahrya Fine Arts Movie Theater
8556 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
ORANGE COUNTY » Saturday, November 14th - 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
The Frida Cinema - Santa Ana - Organizing meeting followed by Debate Watch Party!
305 E. 4th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
NORTH HOLLYWOOD » Sunday, November 15th - 10:00 a.m. - noon
Laemmle NoHo7 Theater (North Hollywood, CA)
5240 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91601
INLAND EMPIRE » Sunday, November 15th - 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
El Prado Golf Course, Banquet Room
6555 Pine Avenue
Chino, CA 91708
SAN DIEGO » Monday, November 16th - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Grassroots Oasis
3130 Moore Street
San Diego, CA 92110
Please don't miss this important meeting. Many of you have been doing so much incredible work already and now we want to meet you in person. We are here to support your efforts. And the rest of you who are looking for a way to get started, here it is! We're looking forward to meeting you.
In solidarity,
Zack Exley
Bernie 2016
Paid for by Bernie 2016
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
This email was sent to If you need to update or change your information or email address, click here to update your info. Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe. Stand against the powerful special interests who are systematically buying our Congress and have their sights set on the presidency by contributing to Bernie here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Peace Love, And Bernie: Overpass Light Brigade; How-To Light Up For Bernie
Letter Making with the Overpass Light Brigade from Occupy Riverwest on Vimeo.
They ask that you form a local Overpass Light Brigade chapter by using "Light Brigade" somewhere in your group name:
"More importantly, open up a Light Brigade chapter in your town! We ask that you use the words “Light Brigade” somewhere in your name, build a Facebook page, blog, or website, and then join us in our working group where we share tricks, tips, concerns, and actions, as well as plan messaging for larger collaborations."
Light Up For Bernie!!
Responding To "Why Are Middle-Aged Whites Dying?" On "The Weekly Sift"
Quoting the article linked above:
In 1990, the death rate for American whites aged 45-54 (USW) was within the normal range of similarly aged people in comparable countries, and similar to the death rate for middle-aged American Hispanics (USH). In all the other countries, death rates continued their centuries-long trend of dropping, with USH tracking the United Kingdom rate almost perfectly. But starting in 1998, USW turns up.
A good summary of this new study is in The Atlantic. The upshot is that about half a million American whites are dead who would be alive if USW death rates had followed the downward track of other first-world countries. The effect seems concentrated in the less-educated classes, and the cause is a sudden jump in the rate of what are called “poisonings” — mainly deaths related to alcohol and drugs — as well as an increase in suicides and other causes related to not taking care of yourself. Atlantic concludes that middle-aged whites “are dying of despair”.
My response:
- Environmental sustainability.
- Human needs and values.
- Obsolescence due to technological improvement.
- Newer, smaller companies attempt to disrupt and displace their way into a competitive capitalist market.
- Older, established companies use every means possible to avoid being displaced and to wring every dime from existing capital infrastructure.
The only way to speed newer and more sustainable technological adoption is to remove finance from the picture, and simply base re-tooling and technology adoption on testing for more successful resolution of a given engineering problem.
As for motivation, we need to culturally change what we see as status from the accumulation of wealth and material goods to the accomplishment of innovation.
We need to change the ground under society's collective feet, and we need to give the abused everywhere a reason for hope.
Bernie is the first step down that road, laying the first few paving stones...if he is not blocked by the same forces of capitalism that are abusing and blocking the potential of billions around the globe.
We have many psychoses in modern culture; Corporate capitalism drives most of them, and uses them to perpetuate itself.
With hope,

Monday, November 9, 2015
Peace, Love, & Bernie: On Passion, Getting Things Done, And The Psychosis Of Self-Fulfilling Apocalypse
The fear of oligarchy and feudalism is sharp in the air to those who have awakened and are aware.
The hope of salvation is found in the memory of great American Presidents such as Lincoln, FDR, JFK, and others. To many, Bernie Sanders is reminiscent of FDR. Both men presented something that was and has been severely lacking in US culture prior to their arrival on the scene: a positive vision of the future, and a wider prosperity for the people of this nation. I will return to that part about a positive vision for the future later in this writing.
Over 750,000 people have donated to the campaign, with an average donation amount of $35.00. Many have donated repeatedly, with the campaign having received over a million individual donations. These numbers are noth HISTORIC and record-breaking. No other campaign in US history has received donations from so many individual donors.
These numbers not only speak volumes about the grass-roots popular support of the campaign, they also speak greatly about the passion of the people in their support of Bernie Sanders. To me, that passion is a sign of the deep sincerity that Bernie's supporters share widely. It also is a sign of the stressful dichotomy I mentioned above, that sharp contrast of hope and fear.
Anger is one component of passion, hope is the other. It is the strangest alchemy of Human emotion. I do not think great passion can exist without the mix of both hope and fear.
Anger is always a derivative of fear. It is well-known that there are two natural responses to fear; Fight or flight. Think back to any point in your life where anger was in your heart. Anger at a failing relationship is the "fight" response to the fear of losing someone dear to you. Anger at someone cutting you off in traffic is the fight response to the fear of what a collision could do to your life.
Anger at someone suggesting a different approach to a problem is the fight response to the fear of losing control over a situation that could affect your life or the life of others. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong in the heat of the moment; We're simply too invested to just let someone else take the reigns without "fighting" for what we believe is right - and against an outcome we fear. It is only after the emotional reaction has subsided that the two sides - who may well agree on the outcome they are trying to achieve - can come together with some degree of logic and work out a compromise solution that everyone hopes they can live with.
It is exactly this part of being human that the democratic form of government we have is supposed to mediate. Control of the means to an end is at the heart of the divide between all the dualities in modern politics, and all the factions in every political coalition. Democrat or Republican, Progressive or Conservative, Populist or Corporatist...or Bernie supporter and other Bernie supporter.
The NEED for Bernie's campaign is clear; Bernie stands as the only visible route in modern times out of a nearly catastrophic global psychotic maelstrom of corporatism that is eating our freedom, prosperity, and even possibly the habitability of the planet and any hope of future generations. For those of you who do not see corporatism as a threat to the very survival of humanity, rest assured that there are millions who very much do. I do not exaggerate the level of long-term threat felt by those who are working to free the world from corporocracy.
That means that we are going to have disagreement within the ranks on strategy, on timing, and on a host of other issues. Even more; We are a grass-roots, self-organized army of volunteers. There may be leaders, but they are most definitely not rulers.
All this means that it is critical that when tempers flare as multiple methods of supporting the campaign are debated, we remember that we are all trying to achieve the same end: a breakthrough in the current political paradigm and the election of a true populist to the Presidency. We MUST take the time to step back, see our fellow Bernie supporters as allies and not opponents, and wait for reason to rise above emotion again.
In speaking to the dearth of a positive vision for the future in modern culture, I look directly to the entertainment that surrounds us.
On television and in the movies, and online, we are bombarded constantly with stories and images of apocalypse, violence, war, and crime. Stories that outline what we could truly achieve with modern technology are almost never told. Such stories are as exotic as a meteorite of solid gold landing softly in your backyard. Even documentaries tend to focus far more on the problems facing us than on potential solutions.
Stories of the great triumphs of human engineering are relegated to the rapidly-receding past of the post-depression era of the 20th century, with rare examples peeking through. Perhaps if you read science and engineering magazines, you may see glimmers of hope, but how many among the general population do? It wasn't much different after the 1930's depression, either, especially once the second world war was engaged.
The entertainment constantly submitted before us in the few hours we have away from work, along with the general struggle of life for the current working class after forty years of the erosion of wages, benefits, and working conditions amounts to a psychic assault. I'm not talking telepaths, I'm just talking about everything we see being struggle, strife, violence, or even the fall of civilization, leading to exactly what the wealthy want us to feel: competition between ourselves and every other human on the planet instead of cooperation.
Modern mass media, and to a fair extent social media are used to:
- Pit men against women.
- Pit people of differing skin color against each other.
- Pit one religion against the others.
- Pit secular people against religious people.
- Pit the elderly against those of working age AND against youth.
- Pit younger workers against older experienced workers.
- Pit one nation against another.
- Pit groups of nations against other groups of nations.
- Pit those struggling for positive change against those who fear the loss of what little they now have.
I have personally witnessed the media in both film and on television getting progressively darker from year-to-year over the past twenty years.
With this psycological backdrop, is it any wonder that someone offering hope such as Bernie Sanders does seems like some sort of miracle?
Still, there is only one way out of collective darkness; We must join hands, share what light we can find together, and all put one foot in front of the other to leave it behind. Bernie may be walking out in front, but he would be walking alone if we weren't all walking with him, sharing our lights.
#FeelTheBern - and try to hold your own candle flames steady as you may without burning each other along the way.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
2nd Dem Debate Watch Party Hosted By Lake Elsinore For Bernie - All Voters Welcome
Event Links:
Facebook Event:
Bernie Events RSVP Link:
When: Saturday, November 14th - 5pm to 9pm PST
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Please join us for the second Democratic Debate from Des Moines, Iowa. We are pleased to host this event at Azteca Grill, a new restaurant in Lake Elsinore. This location has three TV screens and a projection system to ensure good viewing and audio capabilities. Great Mexican food and drinks will be available for purchase, and parking is plentiful. The exact debate broadcast time is still unknown, but please come early to meet and dine with your fellow Bernie supporters.
We believe that Bernie Sanders is the most consistent and best qualified presidential candidate to address our challenging national and global issues.
Mark your calendars for this important event, and be sure to invite your friends and family to help us cheer for Bernie!