IE4Bernie Logo

IE4Bernie Logo
Bernie's campaign:

Friday, November 20, 2015

Why Bernie?

The idea is to videograph a collection of "man-on-the-street" cellphone videos of Bernie supporters answering the following for questions:

Intro: "Hi, I'm (Name of interviewer) with the Inland Empire For Bernie Sanders blog. We are here with a segment of our 'Why Bernie?' interviews in the Inland Empire."


1. Name, Rank, & Bernie Number: Who are you, and what are you doing to help Bernie get elected?

2. How did you find out about Bernie?

3. What are the top three things you like about Bernie's policies?

4. Has Bernie changed how you feel about US elections?

Interviewer: Thank you, (Name of interviewee) and please visit us at WhyBernie.US (Forwards right to this post) 

Post the results to Youtube, share on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.

I think this could become a very powerful tool for the campaign if it gets done all over the country.

To promote this idea, use www.WhyBernie.US .

Dan Stafford

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